Popular Alternatives

10 Google Podcasts Alternatives in 2024

Google Podcasts Alternatives
Picture Source: Canva

After Google announced last year that Google Podcasts and Google Podcasts Manager would be discontinued—with U.S. users losing access on April 2, 2024, and the rest of the world following suit by June 24, 2024—I reached out to both podcast hosts and listeners to see what alternatives they were turning to.

Eager to find platforms that could not only replace but possibly surpass Google Podcasts, I gathered insights directly from the podcast community. The responses were enlightening, leading me to 10 innovative podcast platforms that have gained traction in 2024.

Each of these platforms offers unique features and a rich selection of content, promising a refreshed and engaging podcasting experience. Let’s explore these alternatives together, each vetted by real users and creators in the podcasting world.

  • YouTube Music: New Home for Google Podcasts
  • Podbean: A Creator-Listener Haven
  • Spotify: Seamless Music and Podcasts
  • Stitcher: Curated and Exclusive Content
  • iTunes on Roku: Integrated Podcast Experience
  • Overcast: Enhanced Listening with Smart Features
  • AntennaPod: Customizable Open-Source App
  • Breaker: Podcasting with Social Interaction
  • Spreaker and Podcastle: Hosting and Transcribing

1. YouTube Music

In 2024, as we say goodbye to Google Podcasts, YouTube Music steps in, promising a seamless transition by incorporating podcasts into its extensive music and video offerings. This transition, initiated by Google, aims to enhance our audio experiences by merging podcasts directly into the YouTube Music platform.

This integration allows for a range of functionalities that are beneficial for listeners: personalized playlists tailored to individual tastes, seamless integration with Google Assistant for voice-activated controls, and the ability to explore new podcasts through recommendations based on your listening history.

YouTube Music offers an enriched experience by allowing you to toggle between audio-only and video content, catering to different preferences and situations. For those who enjoy curating their listening experience, the platform provides tools to create custom playlists that can include both songs and podcast episodes—a feature particularly useful for those who like thematic or mood-based listening sessions.

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2. Podbean

Podbean stands out as a top-notch alternative to Google Podcasts in 2024 because it offers much more than just a platform for listening. Its comprehensive nature caters to both creators and listeners. For creators, it provides robust tools for monetization and analytics, making it easier to turn a passion for podcasting into a sustainable endeavor. You can really dig into your audience insights and tailor your content in ways that weren’t as straightforward before.

For listeners, Podbean’s app is incredibly user-friendly and packed with a wide range of podcasts, ensuring you’ll find something that piques your interest. This combination of creator-focused features and a rich library of content makes Podbean not just an alternative, but a superior choice for anyone looking to immerse themselves in the world of podcasts, regardless of whether they’re new to the space or seasoned pros.

Will Yang, Head of Growth & Marketing, Instrumentl

3. Spotify

Recently, I have been facing certain issues with Google Podcasts, like the lack of exclusive content and frequent bugs, so I decided to explore a few other options. 

That’s when I started using Spotify, and I’ve been really impressed by its diverse podcast library.

One of the things I love most about Spotify is how it seamlessly combines music and podcasts in one app. Additionally, Spotify provides personalized recommendations, which makes discovering new content super easy and enjoyable. 

It has a simple and clean interface, which makes navigating the app really easy. The ability to download episodes for offline listening is another huge advantage, especially while traveling.

I highly recommend Spotify for listening to podcasts if you are in search of an alternative to Google Podcasts.

You can use the free version, but if you want an ad-free experience and access to their exclusive content, I suggest you go for their premium plan.

Mahesh Joshi, Team Lead and Web Marketing, Straits Research

4. Stitcher

If you’re looking to switch from Google Podcasts, Stitcher stands out as a top choice in 2024. Its curated podcast library is a major draw, presenting listeners with exclusive and original content you won’t find elsewhere. This unique selection keeps things fresh and engaging, enriching your podcast experience.

What really sets Stitcher apart are its advanced features. Offline listening is perfect for those on the go, and custom playlists allow for a personalized listening experience. The ad-free premium option eliminates interruptions for serious podcast enthusiasts, letting you enjoy content seamlessly.

These features collectively make Stitcher a comprehensive alternative to Google Podcasts, catering to both casual listeners and devoted fans alike.

Jessica Bane, Director of Business Operations, GoPromotional

5. iTunes on Roku

The best Google Podcast alternative in 2024, in my opinion, is the iTunes channel on Roku. As someone deeply involved in the tech and digital marketing space, I find the integration between iTunes and Roku exceptional. It offers a comprehensive library of podcasts while ensuring a seamless user experience. 

The interface is intuitive, promoting ease of use whether one is a novice or an experienced listener. In addition, Roku’s versatility as a streaming platform adds tremendous value, allowing users to access their favorite podcasts alongside other forms of entertainment.

The reliability and breadth of the content available make it a standout choice for anyone serious about consuming quality podcast material.

Valentin Radu, CEO, Founder, Blogger, Speaker, and Podcaster, Omniconvert

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6. Overcast

Overcast stands out as a top alternative to Google Podcasts because of its intuitive design and powerful features that truly enhance the listening experience. Its clean interface makes navigating through podcasts a breeze, eliminating any clunky user experience.

Smart Speed is a game-changer; it shortens silences without distorting the audio, allowing listeners to save time without missing any content. On top of that, Voice Boost balances audio levels, making it easier to hear quieter voices, which is perfect for those who enjoy podcasts while on the go or in noisy environments.

Overcast also supports podcast chapters and offline downloads, making it flexible for varied listening preferences. With chapters, you can easily jump to specific sections of an episode, and offline downloads mean you can listen without worrying about data usage.

These features, combined with smart recommendations tailored to your tastes, create a personalized, efficient, and enjoyable podcasting experience that stands head and shoulders above the rest. Whether you’re a casual listener or a podcast aficionado, Overcast has everything you need to make your listening sessions more enjoyable and tailored to your needs.

Cesar Cobo, Director of Operations, Webris

7. AntennaPod

For me, AntennaPod! I’d say it’s the underdog of the podcasting world. First off, its open-source nature is a major win. This means it’s constantly being improved by a dedicated community, ensuring that user needs and feedback shape its development. 

The level of customization available is another standout feature—whether it’s organizing episodes, adjusting playback speeds, or setting up automatic downloads, AntennaPod lets you tailor your listening experience to suit your preferences perfectly. 

Plus, the absence of ads makes it even more appealing, allowing for an uninterrupted and immersive podcast experience. While it may seem less polished compared to some other alternatives, its robust functionality and commitment to user satisfaction make it a top choice in my book.

Tristan Harris, Demand Generation Senior Marketing Manager, Thrive Digital Marketing Agency

8. Breaker

Breaker shines as a top alternative to Google Podcasts because of its strong social features. The platform does more than just play episodes; it transforms podcasting into a community experience. 

Users can follow friends, see what they’re listening to, and share their favorite episodes. This creates a dynamic feed of recommendations, making it easy to discover new content that aligns with personal interests. By leveraging the power of your network, you’re always in the loop with what’s trending and popular among people you trust.

Another standout aspect is Breaker’s curated discovery tools. Instead of sifting through endless lists, you get a streamlined experience that highlights trending podcasts and those that are popular within your social circle. This not only saves time but also exposes you to high-quality content you might otherwise miss. For anyone looking to turn podcast listening into a more interactive and engaging activity, Breaker is an excellent choice.

Casey Meraz, Owner and Digital Marketing Expert, Casey Meraz

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9. Spreaker and Podcastle

The best Google Podcast alternative in 2024 would be a combination of Spreaker for podcast hosting and Podcastle for transcribing the episodes.

We tested a few podcast hosting services and decided on Spreaker, due to its fast RSS syncing with other podcast directories. This feature ensures that our podcast is quickly deployed to our subscribers, minimizing the delay between when an episode is uploaded and when it can be listened to.

Spreaker offers a free tier, but it does implement a strict spam filter, which you might run into issues with. They are one of the podcast hosts that help with acquiring a Google Knowledge Panel.

We also use [Podcastle.ai](http://podcastle.ai/) to transcribe our podcast episodes into text.

They have a great selection of audio and voice speeds to choose from. This service caters to those subscribers who might be unable to listen to the podcast at times and would prefer a transcribed version to read.

It also helps in making our podcast more accessible to a wider audience.

The combination of Spreaker and Podcastle.ai would provide a comprehensive solution that caters to various listener needs, making it the best alternative available.
Victor Hsi, Founder, UGC Creator Community

10. Podcast Addict

In 2024, we recommend Podcast Addict as an excellent alternative to the discontinued Google Podcasts. With Podcast Addict, you can effortlessly manage not just podcasts but also audiobooks, live streams, YouTube channels, and SoundCloud feeds—all in one versatile app.

At Podcast Addict, we understand the importance of a personalized listening experience. You can customize playback speeds, set a sleep timer, and activate a skip-silence option to make your listening as efficient as possible. Plus, the app automatically updates and downloads new episodes, so you’re always up-to-date without lifting a finger.

If you enjoy keeping track of your listening activities, Podcast Addict provides detailed statistics and reports. We’ve made it easy for you to share your favorite episodes on social media and stay engaged with the podcast community through integrated RSS feeds. Your preferences and subscriptions are safe with us, thanks to our reliable cloud backup services, ensuring you can access your data across multiple devices seamlessly.

Choose Podcast Addict in 2024—it’s not just a platform but a community where you can discover, listen, and share with ease.

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In conclusion, while the departure of Google Podcasts might have left a void for some, there are numerous capable alternatives that can not only fill that gap but potentially offer even more enriched features and a better user experience. Whether you’re a podcast aficionado or just starting your podcast journey, the platforms listed in this article provide a range of options to suit your needs.

We’re eager to hear about your experiences with these alternatives! Have you tried any of these platforms? Do you have a favorite? Share your thoughts and feedback in the comment section below.

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