Sascha started with Solidarity of Unbridled Labour (Mamava’s birthplace) in 1995. She helped to develop the Living Brand®, Solidarity’s philosophy on brands and brand creation. As Strategy Director, Sascha participated in the creation of many brands, has provided account planning services and has designed and facilitated multidisciplinary creative-collaborative sessions with numerous brands, including HP, Levi’s, Lululemon, Merrell Apparel, Nike Women, and Red Door Salons.
Before joining Solidarity, Sascha worked for the office of Congressman (now Senator) Bernard Sanders (I-Vt.), where she served as staff assistant and then assistant press secretary.
Sascha is a founding board member of Mobius, a mentoring nonprofit, and has a BA in sociology with a minor in Women’s Studies from the University of Vermont. She lives in Williston, VT with her husband, and two children where she gardens, cooks, and tends to her five chickens.